Welcome to Nursery! Croeso i Dosbarth Meithrin!

Teacher: Mrs Widdup           

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Britton & Miss Smee

Hello! My name is Mrs Widdup and I am the Nursery class teacher. Working alongside me are Mrs Britton and Miss Smee, our Learning Support Assistants.


Contact us on: 


Twitter (X) - @stmellonsprm                     https://twitter.com/stmellonsprm

The 'Teacher to Parent' text messaging service will be used when required.

About Us

Our learning environment is made up of three main spaces; the main classroom where free play takes place, our quiet room, where we share stories, songs and inputs and the outdoor area, where we enjoy lots of fresh air!

Our main aim here in Nursery is to enable and share the wonder and magic of early childhood. We want our children to feel happy, engaged and safe whilst developing a love and curiosity for learning.

Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do and we enjoy genuine and valued relationships with our children and their families. 

 Overview of the Sessions

9:00am Doors Open 12:45pm
9:00 - 9:10 Look & Wonder 12:45 - 12:55
9:10 - 9:30 Enabling Adults amongst provision 12:55 - 1:15
9:30 - 10:30 Free Play, Guided Play & Play-based learning 1:15 - 2:15
10:30 - 10:40 Tidy Up Time 2:15 - 2:25
10:40 - 10:55 Phonics/Number input 2:25 - 2:40
10:55 - 11:05 Snack Time 2:40 - 2:50
11:05 - 11:15 Dough Disco 2:50 - 3:00
11:15 - 11:20 Stories/Songs 3:00 - 3:05
11:20 - 11:30 Bags, Coats & home time. 3:05 - 3:15

Important Dates

6th January– Pupils return to school 

17th January - Rags to Riches Collection

31st January – INSET Day - School closed to pupils

3rd February - Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

7th February – Mid-Term reports sent out to parents

17th February – Whole School Islam Celebration Day

21st February  - Last Day of term

24th - 28th February - Half Term

Classroom Routines


Please send your child to school with a bottle of water every day, clearly labelled with their name. Healthy snacks can be purchased from school at a cost of £2 per week, using Parent Pay or can be sent in from home for the children to enjoy with their cup of milk or water.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled with your child's name when they come to school so we can identify who they belong to, should they ever get left behind.

Spare Clothes

Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag every day that includes a top, skirt/dress/trousers, knickers or pants and tights or socks.

Our Learning Context

Our context for this term is 'Wow....It's Winter!' and our learning is based around the changes that take place during this season. We will be looking at Winter weather, Winter clothing and how we can help the wildlife in Winter. Our learning will take inspiration from some lovely, rich texts and our pupils will be encouraged to share their own ideas. All of the above, and much more, will allow us to answer our inquiry question:

What does Winter look like in Wales?


Here you will find our Medium term inquiry planning.

Home/School Learning Links

Spring Term home/school learning grid. Children may do as many home tasks as they like and bring them into school to share with the class whenever a task has been completed!


The Four Purposes

In Nursery, we will begin to support ourselves and each other in becoming:

  • Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
  • Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world.

Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. We will ensure this with the support of the 5 Developmental Pathways which will allow authentic and purposeful learning for all children 

Our Christian Value

 Our current value in the school is 'Truthfulness'.

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.  John 3:18

truthfulness home school values.pdf

Communication Pathway

As part of the 'Communication' pathway, our learners will be encouraged to speak clearly and with confidence. We will share stories together daily and ignite a love of books and characters. There will be lots of singing and rhyming, clapping songs and action rhymes for the children to discover and enjoy. Along with this, we will be using Read Write Inc to introduce the children to early sound play. Each week, they will learn a new single letter sound and enjoy a range of play based activities associated with it. Each letter sound has a formation rhyme that accompanies it that the children love to learn, with a bit of help from Fred the Frog!

Exploration Pathway

 As part of the 'Exploration' pathway, our learners will be joining in with number rhymes and songs and reciting the number names in order. We will be playing games that help them to realise that anything can be counted, not just objects, e.g. claps, steps. There will be lots of opportunities for pupils to recognise and use the names for 2D shapes (circle, square and triangle) within play activities and they will use and build with 2D and 3D shapes within their play.


Children will have opportunities to speak Welsh daily in school. We encourage the children to ask and answer questions using our 'Helpwr Heddiw'. We will begin by learning colours in Welsh, saying who we are and greeting our friends & teachers

Our Learning Tools

As part of the children's physical development, we have a Dough Disco session every day. Dough Disco helps to strengthen fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip. This, in turn will help them to develop their writing skills. We all have  lots of fun squashing, squeezing, pinching and rolling as each of our fingers goes to the Dough Disco!

 Ways you can support your child in Nursery

  • Encourage independence with self care - using the toilet, washing and drying their hands and wiping their nose.
  • Teaching them how to put their coat on - this will really help in the Winter months!
  • Enjoy stories together and inspire a love of books. Talk about the pictures and let them turn the pages as you go.
  • Model and encourage the use of 'please' and 'thank you' throughout the day.
  • Play games as a family, especially ones that will encourage turn-taking.
  • Point out shapes, colours and numbers that you see when you are out about.
  • Help them to recognise their name.
  • Sing lots of songs!

    Internet Safety

 Pupils are taught ways to stay safe online in class and Digital Leaders have carried out whole school assemblies about internet safety. Sound advice on internet safety can be found on https://www.internetmatters.org/ 


In St Mellons, we use 'Jigsaw' to support our pupils' Personal, Social & Emotional development. It is a whole-school approach that embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings. Jigsaw is a comprehensive and completely original PSE programme for the whole primary school from ages 3-11. 


Picture News

Every week as part of our worship, pupils get a snapshot of the news via Picture News - real stories adapted for children. We talk about what we think is happening and how it makes us feel. Below is an example of a topic we might talk about and the feelings we might start exploring.

Learning Links

Here are some useful websites that provide fun, educational activities that can support your child's learning.

            Topmarks           BBC Teach           Cosmic Kids Yoga 

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