Welcome to Class 1! Croeso i Dosbarth 1!

Teacher: Mrs Brana  

Contact us on Class1@stmellonsprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Manzai and Miss Porter

Autumn 2024

Our Value this half term is: Responsibility

Matthew 25:23 

If you are responsible with a little, you may get a lot. 


Our context this half term is Living things

This half term class 1 pupils will be finding out about ourselves, each other and the animals and plants that live near us.

Our inquiry question is: "What animals and plants live near me?" 

This half term we will be:

- Learning about animals and plants that live near us.

- Looking at the life cycles of native animals and simple food chains.

-Introducing ways to record data including Venn diagrams, tally charts and bar charts.

-Learning about light and dark.

Books we will look at this half term include...

and many more!

How can you help at home?

There are plenty of ways you can help at home with this topic.

You could discuss what makes you 'you'. What do you like to eat? What do you like to do? If you go out to public parks you could collect leaf litter and use books or the internet to find out which tree they belong to. You could make animal shadows using your hands and a torch. You may wish to use our local library and find out about British wildlife such as foxes, badgers, and owls. Find out what hedgehogs or foxes like to eat. Did you know... a fox has been seen walking around our school playground after dark? He has been caught on our CCTV! 

P.E. is on Tuesdays and you can wear your kit to school. 

Reading takes place every day with group reading sessions and children read as individuals to an adult at least once a week. We do have visitors who like to listen to readers so book bags need to be school everyday and we aim to change the reading book at least once a week. Your child's progress in reading should continue to be developed at home though shared reading experiences with their book in their book bag and also online with BUG CLUB.

Please can parents/ grandparents/ even older siblings write in the reading record books when they have listened to their child read. Bug club login details are on the inside cover of their reading record book. 


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Meet the Teacher 11.09.24

