Additional Learning Needs


Learning with God to be the best we can be. Dysgu gyda Duw i wneud ein gorau.

At St Mellons Church in Wales Primary School we believe it is really important that every child is given the appropriate opportunities and support to be the very best they can be. To ensure this is happening we make sure that we really get to know the children and track their progress carefully.

We understand that all children progress at different rates, but for a number of children there may be times when they will need some extra support to maintain the progress they should be making . This is often very straightforward and is often for a short period of time. It might involve sitting in a certain place in the classroom, using a specific piece of equipment, being given extra time to complete tasks or having some extra time with an adult in either a small group or one to one.

For a small number of children however, this level of support isn’t enough and then in line with the expectations in the new ALNET act we, together with the child and their parents or carers, need to decide if the child has ALN. If it is decided they do, they will then be provided with an Indvidual Development Plan (IDP) which will formally outline the support that they will receive and will be based upon the child’s strengths and needs. This IDP will then be formally reviewed annually.

The support the children will receive is coordinated by the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). Our ALNCo is Mrs Taylor and if you have any concerns about your child or would like any further advice or information about ALN please contact the school and a phone call or a  meeting will be arranged.  For further information please click on the links below.

 ALN Code for Wales

ALN Parent Guide

Explanation poster for children

Information Poster SENTW

 Leaflet 1 Identifying ALN

Leaflet 2 Process in Schools for ALN

Leaflet 3 - Person-Centred Meetings

Leaflet 4 - Individual Development Plans

Leaflet 5 - Reconsiderations

Leaflet 6 - Ceasing an IDP

Leaflet 7 - Early Years

Elective Home Education and ALN

Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs in Schools

St Mellons CIW Primary ALN Funding information for parents

ALN parent reference list

St Mellons ALN explanation poster for parents