Welcome to Class 5! Croeso i Dosbarth 5!
Teacher: Mrs Williams 

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Yousuf

Contact us on Class5@stmellonsprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Autumn Term 2024

 Our value for this half term is 'Responsibility'


"We are to be responsible for the way we act towards others" Luke 10:30-37


 Our creative habit of mind this term is 'Persistent Pete'



Our context topic this term is Diversity in Nature.

Our enquiry question is "How has nature diversified to suit its habitat?"

We will be arranging a trip at the start of our topic to explore rainforests, further details will be made available as soon as possible. 

During our topic we will be considering different habitats, including rainforests, savannas, deserts and the ocean.  We will consider how animals and plants have adapted to suit their environment. 

We will explore how the world is diverse and consider the diverse wildlife in our own local habitat with a visit from a local wildlife photographer.

We will exit our topic with an exhibition of our work.


Our reading for pleasure book this half term is The Explorer


Summer Term 2024

Our value this half term is 'Respect'

"Show proper respect to everyone" Peter 2:17

 Our creative habit of mind this term is 'Imaginative Izzy'



Our context this term is Sustaina-bee-lity.

Our enquiry question is "Why are bees brilliant?"

We will begin our context with a visit from a local beekeeper who will be telling us all about bee-keeping and why bees are so important.  We will then be having a movie afternoon, watching Bee Movie to help us consider the global importance of bees.

In our context we will be learning about

  • The types of bees and the anatomy of bees. 
  • How bees pollenate
  • What bees need to survive. 
  • Why bees are so important to our environment. 
  • The dangers that they face, including intensive farming, pesticides.
  • How we can be sustainable and protect bees in our local environment and globally.

We will exit our context by creating a bee friendly garden.

Our Immersion Day




Spring Term 2024


Our value this half term is 'courage'

Be strong and courageous.  Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.  He will not leave or forsake you - Deuteronomy 31:6


 Our Creative Habit of Mind this half term is 'collaboration'


Dosbarth Pump performed 'Calon Lan' perfectly in our Eisteddfod.  They worked hard to produce impressive poetry, artwork inspired by Rhiannon Roberts and beautiful handwriting for our competition.


We had a fantastic day, exploring Cardiff Bay by boat and learning about the first £1 million cheque in the Pierhead Building.



Our topic this term is 'Cardiff jobs, then and now'. 

Our inquiry question through the context is "Why work in Cardiff?" 

Our context will begin with a boat trip to Cardiff Bay to explore the docks and learn about Cardiff Bay's history in the Pierhead Building. 

In our  context we will cover the following:

  • Why Cardiff Bay was such an important dock and how significant coal was to Cardiff.
  • How the docks developed and explore why people migrated to Tiger Bay. 
  • The decline of the coal industry and the effect jobs.   
  • The future of jobs in Cardiff and the importance of technology and AI.


Our current class novel is The Imaginary by A F Harrold




 Practice maths for 10 minutes a day on Doodle Maths to make great progress.

Autumn Term

Our context in the Autumn term was 'Healthy Heart, Healthy Me'. 

We learnt how the heart works and how we can take care of our heart and body with exercise and a healthy diet. 

Our inquiry question through the context was "How does your diet affect your heart?"

We began the context with an immersion day where we listened to our heartbeats, made model hearts and explored how healthy some of our favourite foods and drinks are.  To exit our topic we designed a health bar and the packaging and worked on adverts for our health bars.


In the run up to Christmas we were very busy baking Gingerbread Men and sewing Christmas decorations, we even had a class game of pass the parcel! 



Our context last term was "Diversity"

We learnt about our culture and identity, considering diversity within food, language, fashion and dance.  As well as  exploring traditions within our local community, Wales and the wider world. 

 Class 5 visited St Edeyrn's church to find out more about symbolism.  Thank you Mother Tina.




Our class novel is The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf. 

We had a great first day and Class 5 showed excellent team building skills, working together to build the tallest tower!





Our PE day is returning to a THURSDAY - please wear your PE kit to school every Thursday.  PE kit is a white polo shirt (or your house colour) and grey or black shorts/joggers & trainers.   Plain kits please, no patterns or large logos.

Reading books: every child has a reading book from our class library and will take them home to read.  Home reading books can be changed whenever necessary.  All pupils have a Giglets account where they can find virtual books to read at home. 


In addition to the learning context homework pupils will be set fortnightly tasks to complete at home.   All homework will be shared via Google Classroom and uploaded on a Friday.  This must be completed by the following Friday. 

Click here to visit the Times Tables Rock Stars site to practice your tables....  who's going to be the first Rock Hero in your class?  Practice your maths skills by playing against other children all over the world. 



Ask your teacher for your HWB password.  On Hwb you can...

  • access your personal Hwb email
  • use online Microsoft software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc)
  • use J2e
  • and much, much more.

Practise coding skills on Scratch

Multiplication Grid Game

Hit the Button

National Tests

Information for parents

Welsh Government guide for parents

Here is a link to the Welsh Government website where you can download sample tests:



This website has past test papers from England which can be printed: 

Useful Links

BBC Bitesize is free and has many activities to practice all aspects of the Literacy and Numeracy framework.

Use the areas for all countries in the UK: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education  

IXl maths has free units you can trial for a month: http://uk.ixl.com/  

Nessy reading and spelling has free access: http://www.nessy.com/  

Websites with fun games and activities












Lots of great maths games

Google safe search for kids

Teach your monster to read

Fraction game